Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover

One or more pregnancies more often than not take off their stamp on the body outline. In spite of serious diets and work out, normal side impacts of pregnancy regularly persist: sagging of the breasts, loose abdominal wall, stretch marks on the guts or hips, fat deposition on the hips or thighs.


Surgical mediations on the female figure that rectify the follows of parenthood are alluded to as "mommy makeovers". This includes: breast lift alone or in combination with an implant to bring a breast that has ended up littler back into line with the body image abdominoplasty to expel overabundance tissue from the lower stomach wall, bringing the two longitudinal, front rectus muscles together in case they have isolated amid pregnancy (rectus diastasis), possibly a combination of the tummy tuck and liposuction on the middle or thighs in arrange to show the body form advantageously.  

What criteria must be met to qualify as a patient for a mommy makeover?

There are some criteria that must be met before a mother can undergo comprehensive treatment. This includes, for example, your weight before the procedure. She should have reached her desired weight or the weight that comes closest to this and is attainable through exercise and a healthy diet. This is particularly important in the case of a tummy tuck, in which excess skin is removed, in order to achieve a satisfactory and long-term result.

In addition, the lactation period should be at least 6 months ago. Only then have the mammary glands fully regenerated and milk production stopped. The shape of the breast can only be assessed at this point.

Another important criterion is the completed family planning. A mommy makeover can only be considered when the mother is absolutely certain that she does not want to have any more children. Another pregnancy after the treatment has been carried out changes the body again and the achieved results may be lost.

It must also be ensured that the criteria for the respective operation are met and that the patient is physically and psychologically able to undergo the procedures.

Criteria at a glance

Desired weight already achieved

Breast-feeding is quit at least 6 months ago

Completed family planning

Suitability for the respective treatment

What are the benefits of a mommy makeover?


During pregnancy, the body changes a lot. Weight gain, stretch marks and enlarged chests are the norm. The birth itself also has an impact on the body, both a natural birth and a caesarean section can leave their mark. When breastfeeding, the breasts and especially the nipples are put under a lot of stress. After the cessation of lactation, the breasts become saggy and droopy, the nipples are misaligned, and asymmetry may appear.

All of these things can be fixed with plastic surgery as part of a mommy makeover. Stubborn fat pads (e.g. on the abdomen) can be removed with liposuction, an additional tummy tuck smooths the abdomen. The figure appears slimmer, you look fit and young again.

The same goes for the breasts: a breast lift lifts the breasts, makes them firmer and can correct the position of the nipples. In order to make the breasts look plump again, a breast augmentation with implants can be carried out at the same time, which gives them a nice shape. The body appears rejuvenated and tightened all over, well-being and self-confidence are increased.

Another advantage is that not only the visible traces of pregnancy can be eliminated, but also those in the more intimate areas of the body. Giving birth puts a lot of strain on the genital area, the vagina expands and tears can occur. Intimate surgery can help here, not only to restore the external appearance, but also to restore sexual function.

Benefits at a glance

Flat belly

Firm, plump breasts

Corrected nipples

Total rejuvenation of the body

Slim silhouette

Increase in self-confidence

Reduction of sexual inhibitions

Increased sexual stimulation

Improvement in body image

What are the risks and complications of a mommy makeover?

The risk of complications that can arise from a mommy makeover depends on the type of treatments chosen. The various procedures involve various risks, which should be explained in detail in advance by the doctor treating you. However, there are some risks that are common to all treatments and are inherent to surgical procedures in general.

This can lead to infections, which can be avoided by strict compliance with hygiene regulations. Bruising and swelling can also occur. However, these are nothing to worry about and should go away on their own over time. Postoperative bleeding, wound healing disorders and pain are also possible, but can be treated with medication.

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Opr. Dr. Cenk MelikoğluOperating Doctor Cenk Melikoğlu was born in Görele, in 1978. In 2002, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Between the years of 2003 and 2010, he did his specialization in İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic. In 2015, he worked as a guest lecturer in the American Hospital of Paris. When abroad, he especially focused on the transfer of free vascular lymph nodes for lymphedema treatment, in the field of microsurgery. He participated in numerous training and meetings in this area. There are more than 30 articles in the literature, which were published in national and international journals. Since 2016, he has been working in İzmir Özel Ekol ENT Hospital in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Cosmology Clinic. He speaks English well. He is married and has one child. His special interests are; Breast Aesthetics & Dual-Plan Method, Aesthetic nose surgery, Lymphedema surgery, Endoscopic facial stretching, Aesthetic body shaping surgery (abdominal stretching, liposuction, aesthetic breast surgery), Hair transplantation with FUE method, Migraine surgery, Gynecomastia correction, Genital aesthetics (especially penis enlargement), Lymphedema Treatment (Laser Assisted, With Microcannula Lymph Protective Method), Penis Enlargement (Length & Thickness Combined Method), Migraine Surgery (Closed Method with Scopy). He was entitled to receive the "Proficiency Certificate" by being successful in the examination, which was held by the Turkish Plastic Surgery Association in 2010. In 2015, he participated in a scientific competition by Gülhane Military Medical Academy with his study 'Saddle-nose deformity repair with micro-plate-adapted costal cartilage.’ He has won the first place in the field of surgical medicine. In 2018, he worked at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, USA for three months in April, May and June on advanced techniques on gender reassignment and penis enlargement in men. He is still continuing his academic and scientific studies.
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