Face Lift

Face Lift

Face Lift

Natural aging causes more or less pronounced wrinkles on the face and neck, which can drastically alter your appearance. The elasticity of the skin is lost, and the muscles in the subcutaneous tissue become slack. It gives the impression that there is too much skin sagging as a result of gravity. A facelift will make you appear younger and more radiant, and you will most likely feel younger as well. Whether and when you have a facelift is entirely dependent on your level of discomfort and personal desire to correct existing signs of aging.

The cuts have been determined as previously discussed with us. By the way, shaving the hair prior to the procedure is not required. The standard cut begins about 3-5 cm behind the hairline at the temples, continues in front of the ear, and ends behind the ears.

Along the incision, the skin is separated from the underlying tissue, allowing the connective tissue beneath the skin, slack facial muscles, and sunken fat deposits to be corrected. Ultra-thin, self-dissolving threads reposition the sunken connective tissue and muscles.

After closing the wound edges with sunken, dissolvable threads and intradermal sutures, staples in the hairy scalp area, you will usually be given two drains and a light bandage around the head.

A facelift tightens the skin and rejuvenates your appearance. The natural aging process of the skin, however, cannot be stopped by lifting, but the signs of aging can be delayed by approximately 10 years. The duration of the effect of a lifting depends on your individual abilities, lifestyle, and tissue condition. Repeating the operation after 8 to 10 years is usually not a problem.

  • Complications

The feeling of skin in front of the ears or on the forehead can be impaired in the long term after a major facelift. Any bruising that occurs after surgery can significantly slow the healing process and is thus removed with a minor surgical procedure. Hair loss in the temple area can occur on occasion due to the high tension of the facial skin. Hair usually regrows over the next few months.

Circulatory disorders of the skin caused by excessive nicotine consumption can result in wound edge necrosis and visible scarring. These may require revision. Bacterial infections can cause wider scars due to delayed, secondary healing of the wound. These can be remedied with a minor intervention. Damage to the facial nerves, which is nearly impossible in expert hands, regenerates in 3 to 6 months.


Skin and muscle nerve lesions can occur in isolated cases, but they regenerate on their own within weeks or months. Permanent facial muscle dysfunction as a result of nerve injury is a very rare complication.

  • Following the procedure

The bandage and, if necessary, drains are usually removed after 1 to 2 days, and the sutures and skin clips are usually removed after 8 to 14 days.

The time it takes for complete regeneration to occur can vary greatly depending on the individual's genetic predisposition and the extent of the intervention. You should definitely rest completely for 5 to 7 days after the operation. During this time, avoid using creams or ointments on your skin. Your skin is the most adept at healing itself.

After only 8 days, you can shower and apply makeup as usual. Avoid nicotine and pain relievers such as B. Aspirin for the first four weeks. You should also avoid direct sunlight for at least four weeks. Sun protection with a high sun protection factor is recommended if you expose yourself to the sun in the weeks following the operation. After 4 weeks, you should be able to resume your full range of sporting activities.


Opr. Dr. Cenk MelikoğluOperating Doctor Cenk Melikoğlu was born in Görele, in 1978. In 2002, he graduated from Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Medicine. Between the years of 2003 and 2010, he did his specialization in İzmir Atatürk Training and Research Hospital, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Clinic. In 2015, he worked as a guest lecturer in the American Hospital of Paris. When abroad, he especially focused on the transfer of free vascular lymph nodes for lymphedema treatment, in the field of microsurgery. He participated in numerous training and meetings in this area. There are more than 30 articles in the literature, which were published in national and international journals. Since 2016, he has been working in İzmir Özel Ekol ENT Hospital in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Cosmology Clinic. He speaks English well. He is married and has one child. His special interests are; Breast Aesthetics & Dual-Plan Method, Aesthetic nose surgery, Lymphedema surgery, Endoscopic facial stretching, Aesthetic body shaping surgery (abdominal stretching, liposuction, aesthetic breast surgery), Hair transplantation with FUE method, Migraine surgery, Gynecomastia correction, Genital aesthetics (especially penis enlargement), Lymphedema Treatment (Laser Assisted, With Microcannula Lymph Protective Method), Penis Enlargement (Length & Thickness Combined Method), Migraine Surgery (Closed Method with Scopy). He was entitled to receive the "Proficiency Certificate" by being successful in the examination, which was held by the Turkish Plastic Surgery Association in 2010. In 2015, he participated in a scientific competition by Gülhane Military Medical Academy with his study 'Saddle-nose deformity repair with micro-plate-adapted costal cartilage.’ He has won the first place in the field of surgical medicine. In 2018, he worked at Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, USA for three months in April, May and June on advanced techniques on gender reassignment and penis enlargement in men. He is still continuing his academic and scientific studies.
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