Congestive heart failure is dysfunction of the heart as a result of weakening of the heart muscles. This discomfort in the heart prevents the body from pumping the amount of blood it needs. This condition also damages other organs. Effects such as fluid accumulation in the lungs, edema in different parts of the body, and swelling in the abdomen can be seen.
Our cardiology doctors perform the necessary examinations, taking into account the symptoms of the patients. It can work in coordination with other medical units by evaluating the factors that trigger heart disease.
Heart failure occurs as a result of certain diseases. These are usually diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, idiopathic cardiomyopathy. Age factor and unhealthy lifestyle are also among the causes of heart failure.
Congestive heart failure, which is common among heart diseases, can be caused by damaged heart valves. Many reasons such as irregular heartbeat, thyroid disease, congenital heart disease can be added. First, the underlying diseases are treated or controlled.
Symptoms of congestive heart failure can differ from person to person. Symptoms occur depending on the factors that cause heart failure. Patients may experience one or more of the following symptoms;
Difficulty with simple exercises
nausea, loss of appetite
pain in the chest area
difficulty breathing
Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
Swelling (edema) in different parts of the body
abnormal sputum
Frequent urination at night
constant sleepiness
Prominence in neck veins
For the diagnosis of congestive heart failure, examinations such as patient history, physical examination, laboratory tests, chest X-ray and EKG are used. With the echocardiogram, a detailed examination of the heart is made by looking at the sound waves in the heart. When diagnosed early, the fatal effects of the disease are greatly reduced and can be controlled.
When determining the method to be applied for the treatment of heart failure, the factors causing the disease are examined. When there is a problem with the heart valve, operations such as heart valve replacement or repair are performed. Pacemaker, heart transplant, stent, balloon operations may also be in question. If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage, recommendations and drug treatments can be applied to improve the quality of life.